The Inspire Racing Team

You may have seen some racing tanks with my signature PR winged kettlebell logo running around these parts recently.  Make sure to give a shout out to the person wearing the tank next time you see it because they are part of our new Inspire Racing Team!  Let’s meet our team!!! ***Calvin Kuo…If you haven’t met… Continue reading The Inspire Racing Team

Two training methods you aren’t using that you should be…

Most runners I come across want to know the best way to get some “cross-training” in.  They may utilize the elliptical, bike, erg trainer, or pool but most don’t have any specific goals on their non-running days – they just think being active will make them better.  There is probably some truth to that but… Continue reading Two training methods you aren’t using that you should be…

Respect the 10, Reject the 80, 5 will get you 20 and pick up something heavy!

Respect the 10, Reject the 80, 5 will get you 20 and pick up something heavy.  This is the best running advice I currently have for any individual looking to get started in this amazing sport of running.  It is something that I can recommend to any runner on the planet to improve their efficiency… Continue reading Respect the 10, Reject the 80, 5 will get you 20 and pick up something heavy!